Oh Snappy, why oh why you make me feel so guilty. I know....it is because I haven't worked out for almost two weeks, when we ran in -37deg C weather. So my plans for the day have changed, so I won't feel like a total slacker. I just finished walking 4km with my dog, I will then go to the gym at work for my first bike ride in 27 years. Hahahahahaha, oh that is going to be fun. This is a short and sweet post, as P-Friddy is on her way to pick me up. We are heading to lunch, then she has a staff meeting and, like I promised will be hitting the gym. Wow. I will let you all know how that goes!
I may be working out, but that's only to counter the crap that I have been eating at work. I can't wait till the Holidays are over and the Chocolates go away.
And PS the crazy cold run was this Sunday, so it's been less than a week.