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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oh CRAP....

Good Day Sabrina Here...

Yesterday I was playing around with a new widget to add to our blog that counts down the days till “The Ride” and well it’s only 192 DAYS!!!! When I think about it being in June it seems so far away, but when it broken down into day( AHHHHHHHHHHHH) Let just say I start to panic a little (ok so not a little a whole lot, I'm now nervous and my heart is beating fast, can I do this???) So I guess the idea of taking a week or 2 to get used to the idea of waking up early to go to the gym was quickly changed!!! So this morning I woke up early and off to the gym I went. It really didn't go quite that quickly it only took me 20mins to get out of bed, and another 10min of wondering if I was crazy, and maybe I should just go back to bed. After stumbling into a couple walls in my tired eyes half open state I was awake for good. Off to the gym I went...50 mins on the bike, wasn't too bad, but boy do I feel out of shape. I may be able to run, but biking is a whole different story.

And if the time frame till we do the Ride wasn't enough of a scare. I got my firt week training for my Marathon, I thought we started at 10km which I can do, but no it's 13km, so now I go from running 4km 4 times a week, to a my first week, is 6k 8k and 13k. Yikes I have 20 days to up my training, because the clinic starts Jan 5th. Last night I did my first 6k straight through no walking, it was nice even though the snow made it a little tough. You get a new perpective of shoveling snow when you have to run on sidewalks that haven't been shovel. Good side of that is that it builds stability muscles.

Got to stay positive and stay running. Tonight is another 4k and I may add another 4 in after.


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