Join our journey from noob runners/cyclists to DeathRacers
and cyclists who have completed the Ride to Conquer Cancer.

Friday, December 11, 2009

And last but not least

Hello Everyone....So I'm the one that started this blog and yet the last to write in it.
Once in awhile people that come into your life that push you to do things that you would have never thought about doing on your own. I’m normally the type of person that comes up with those crazy ideas and goes out looking for a partner in crime only to be told I’m crazy. Luckily, or maybe unluckily I managed to find some friends that are just as crazy as me! I'm the crazy runner that started it all. A year ago started running agina after 7 years away from it, and again I fell in love with this sport!!! But alas like most love affairs it was not smooth sailing. It April after getting up to 16km I hurt myself and couldn't run for 3 months, like most other women I turned to my friends when I was heartbroken, and there may have been some eating of ice cream as well. I'm sure just to get me to shut up Pam tried it, and well in came Claudia. It killed me in May to watch the people I trained with finish their Half Marathons, when I couldn't even run 1 min without pain. But in Aug I was back in full swing, and started teaching a Beginners Running Class, with the best pacers I could have asked for(Pam, Claudia and another great friend). I was right back in love with running, I continued on to teach another class, and that's when the Death race idea came to play.

Too be clear I didn't think of the Death Race idea by myself, but I did run with.
I had heard about the death race years ago when I was sane and wouldn't even have come close to trying it, but deep down inside I always wanted too. I've have quickly learned that when you come up with a crazy idea it's best to recuit another egually crazy person...So off I went to call the craziest person I know....Pam! It was pretty easy to sell her on the idea, I little bit of jumping up and down and this will be so amazing will normally do :) Plus I know Pam and Claudia are a package deal, so get one and I get both, the more the merrier . Much to our surprise Claudia didn't take much convincing, and was actually was up for the idea!!! This was almost eerie, because she is the sanest out of the three of us, and no that's not saying much. Yikes what type of Monster had we created??? If she did lose her mind then that's probably a good thing, because you can't be sane to decide to do even part of a 125km run through the mountains with 17,000ft of elevation change in it. There will be 2 others on our team for that. Check out the website site for that part of our adventure.
And decide for yourself are we really that crazy???
I will know get to work and leave it to Claudia to explain more about the Ride to Conquer Cancer, and how 3 wmone without bike must ride for 2 days and each raise $2500. Yikes I don't know what part scares me more the raising the money, or sitting on a bike seat for 2 days. OUCH!!! I should invest in a donut cushion just so I can sit at my desk, after I start the training.

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