Hi Folks, I just finished my first 16km ride! Wow, it felt awesome. However, my knee started hurting around the 8km point, Sabrina's guest speaking Chiropractor (at the run clinic) said that I need to stretch my quads more.....Hee hee hee hee, no lunges for this girl :)
Sorry Snappy, I am not laughing at your pain! Oh, wait, yes I am!
Yesterday I managed to do a 5 km run, which was pretty impressive considering that I was so tired, had not eaten, and was dehydrated. I was desperate to get in some kind of a run before my flight. Turned out to be a good thing, as due to the crappy weather in Canada and minor maintenance issues we ended up being over 3.5 hours late by the last leg of our day. So I woke up this morning, braved the cold, walked to Starbucks and enjoyed a beautiful Grande Americano. Very scrumptious. Followed by my 16km bike ride, and now it is time to shower and head out to Phoenix and back to Edmonton. Tomorrow my aim is another run in the gym before work.
Lunges will not hurt you..well ok they will but they will help your training.